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Sermon Discussion Questions



Sunday, October 20, 2024

Take Courage

2 Chronicles 15:8-15

Make Covenant



Main Idea:

God calls us to make covenant with Him!

Sermon Outline:

1. Remove ungodly influence (vv8-9)
2. Renew heart-filled faith (vv10-13)
3. Remember we are God's! (vv14-15)



What comes to mind when you hear the word “covenant”? How does this concept differ from a simple promise or agreement?
Reflect on a biblical covenant that stands out to you (e.g., Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, or New Covenant). How did God initiate and fulfill that covenant?



Covenants throughout the Bible show God’s commitment to His people. How does God’s covenantal faithfulness provide security in your own relationship with Him?
How can reflecting on God’s covenants help you trust Him more in your current challenges?
How does understanding that we are part of a New Covenant through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 8:6) influence your daily walk with God?
What are practical ways you can renew or deepen your commitment to live faithfully within the covenant of grace God offers?
Is there an area of your life where you sense God is calling you to “make a covenant” or recommit yourself to Him, such as a new direction in ministry, personal holiness, or community involvement?
What steps can you take this week to live out the commitments you’ve made to God in your personal covenant with Him?

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