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Image by Chris Nguyen

Mitchell Leach

Mitchell Leach

Mitchell is the editor and producer of Mom Guilt podcast, That's a Good Question, and Live Leadership. He also hosts, produces, and edits his Retireing and Aspiring podcast on the Resound Podcast Network.
Mitchell and his wife Elizabeth (co-host of the Mom Guilt podcast) live in Hudsonville, Michigan, and have three children.

Most Recent Content from

Mitchell Leach

The News To The World
The News To The World
What Do I Do With My Guilt?
What Do I Do With My Guilt?
If God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?

Is God Able To Forgive Sin Without The Cross?

Could God the Father have forgiven sin without Jesus dying on the cross? Would it have been possible for God to do this? God’s righteousness means that God always acts in accordance with what is right and ...

Drawing the Line of Legalism

My kids are bad artists. It is a hard thing to say, but as I step back from my emotional connection to my kids and their art, and critically look at what they’ve made, it’s not good. Don’t get me wrong there is nothing better...

How Did Jesus Understand Scripture?

This may be a question you’ve never asked before but it’s extremely important to understanding Jesus, the Old Testament, and God’s...

What is Sin?

If I were to ask someone at random from any church in America, “What is sin?” I’m not confident that I would get a full definition. It would be easier to ask someone to name some sins. This we can do well, but defining what sin...

Say “What If?” And Not “If Only”

Discover how to transform leadership regrets into proactive strategies with "What If Not If Only."

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