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How To Conduct Staff Reviews

How To Conduct Staff Reviews


Jon Delger

Executive Pastor

Peace Church

Published On:

March 14, 2024

If you want to illicit groans or eye-rolls from your staff, one sure-fire way to do so is to announce it is that time of year again… time for staff reviews. 

Although unfortunately many have a negative reaction to annual staff reviews, this can actually be a very important and beneficial process for your team. When done well, it can be a time for clarifying vision and expectations, hearing feedback from your employees, and creating alignment around what’s going well, what needs to improve, and what the goals are for the coming year. 

Because this is such an important topic for the health of any organization, I want to provide two great resources to help you through the process. 

The first is an episode of Live Leadership, where Pastor Ryan and I discuss at length how we conduct annual staff reviews.

The second is a free resource you can modify and use to conduct staff reviews in your church. This Ministry Evaluation Worksheet is how we begin our staff review process each time at Peace Church, by having staff complete this self-evaluation form that becomes the foundation for the conversation that follows about performance.

Blessings to you as you lead the church!

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