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Is Prioritizing Love Un-Christian?
What Does The Bible Say?
Recently, the Vice President of the United States made a comment that sparked criticism from some Christians. Was he right? Was he wrong? Should Christians prioritize their love for others?

Jon Delger
Abortion, Freedom, and Life
What the Bible, Science, and True Freedom Reveal About the Sanctity of Life
Shouldn’t every woman have a right to choose what happens to her body? Are pro-life supporters actually just hypocrites who only care about unborn lives and not the lives of women or children after birth...

Jon Delger
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Miracle, Myth, or Meteor? Identifying What the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ Truly Was
What is 'Probably' Missing From Most Nativity Sets
Ryan Kimmel
Exploring the Role, Qualifications, and Purpose of Deacons in the Church
What Is a Deacon?
Jon Delger
A Closer Look at Scripture’s Reliability, Inerrancy, and Historical Trustworthiness
Is The Bible Really Without Error?
Jon Delger
Why Recognizing Our Sin is Essential to Embracing God’s Gift of Salvation
What is the Gospel?
Jon Delger
Understanding the Weight of Jesus’ Warning About the Unforgivable Sin
When Forgiveness Is Out of Reach
Jon Delger
Balancing Discipleship and Trusting God with Our Children’s Salvation
Nurturing Faith
Stephanie Delger
Navigating the traps of comparison in parenting with wisdom from Scripture.
Beyond Bluey
Stephanie Delger
Exploring the Rich Theology and Covenantal Roots Behind Baptizing Babies
Why Do We Baptize Babies?
Jon Delger
A Snapshot of the Spirit's Role in the Christian Life
10 (Quick) Things To Know About The Holy Spirit
Ryan Kimmel
Examining God's Response to Eve's Transgression and Its Modern-Day Relevance
Divine Discipline or Unfair Treatment?
Stephanie Delger
A Journey Through the Realities of Being Saved from Sin's Consequences, Death's Finality, and Sin's Bondage
Saved From What?
Stephanie Delger
How Resurrection Rolls Teach the True Meaning of the Holiday
Baking Up Easter Joy
Stephanie Delger
A Guide for Leaders to Articulate the Core of Reformed Belief
What is Covenant Theology?
Jon Delger